Our People

Our people are very important to us, as is making certain we provide you with the best possible professional financial advice. Below is a list of our colleagues together with their contact telephone number. For further contact details please see our "Contact Us" page.

Garry Robinson DipPFS, Practice Principal / Financial Adviser
Tel. 0345 257 1692
Mobile. 07813 830264
Email. garry.elitefinancialgmail.com
Sue Goddard, Business Development Manager
Tel. 0345 257 1692
Mobile. 07968 993486
Email. suegoddard.elitefinancialgmail.com
Dr Robert Proffitt DipPFS, Financial Planning Consultant
Tel. 0345 257 1962
Mobile. 07976 712 266
Email. bobproffittbtinternet.com
Ged Potts DipPFS, CeMAP, Financial Adviser
Tel. 0345 257 1692
Mobile. 07921 550 708
Email. ged.elitefinancialgmail.com
Claire Blades, Administrator
Tel. 0345 257 1692
Mobile. 07793 780964
Email. claire.elitefinancialgmail.com
Matthew Dawson, Mortgage & Protection Adviser
Tel. 0345 257 1692
Mobile. 07929 802689
Email. mjdawson30aol.com
Stuart Kelly, Mortgage & Protection Adviser
Tel. 0345 257 1692
Mobile. 07932 163370
Email. stuart-kellytiscali.co.uk
Kevin Best, Mortgage & Protection Adviser
Tel. 0345 257 1692
Mobile. 07791 886694
Email. kevin.elitefinancialgmail.com
Geoff McNish, Mortgage & Protection Adviser
Tel. 0345 257 1692
Mobile. 07802 380712
Email. geoff.elitefinancialgmail.com
Dino Nicholas, Mortgage & Protection Adviser
Tel. 0161 728 4194
Mobile. 07877 731 237
Email. dino.elitefinancialgmail.com
Glenn Thwaites, Business Development Manager
Tel. 0161 728 4194
Mobile. 07734 581 451
Email. glenn.elitefinancialgmail.com

UK News

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Business Secretary Jonathan Reynolds says there is no need for tariffs because the US has no goods trade deficit with the UK.
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